Sunday, June 24, 2012


Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives.
This is 7 Eleven drink, 'SLURPEE' advertising that I had found.This is a type of smoothie drinks.This is an advertising board that company had produced to promote this drinks to all consumers.

Everyone can be creative thinking when design anything.Advertising also can be design in creative way.
Therefore,designer will try their best to get more new idea to design a special thing.They will put more effort to create a special advertising to attract customers view.Creativity not only can focus in product or object.Advertising board also can have much creativity.

For my own opinion,this advertising is to bring out shock,cool and tasty information to customers.
Customers will have shock expression when they feel the cool and tasty of the drinks.The cool and tasty of the drinks will make their hair stand up and become Icicle.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Represent and Abstract

This week,I had done one of my homework that name "The Wonder Of Shape".
I need to draw anything on the three shape example like square,triangle and circle used my creative thinking mind.In both of the art work,the more interesting is abstract.I can use my creative thinking mind to create anything that I like and the drawing must not be any object.
I use to create a thing use line,shape,dot.I also can use color to form abstract.
After that,I need to give a name to the thing that I had draw.

                                  Modern Abstract Art by Kim Dean

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Idea come please^^

Creative thinking is the process which we use when we come up with a new idea.
Creative thinking can be used to develop new idea also.
When a company need to create a new product,advertisement or brochure,they willing to pay and hire a person who good in creative thinking to help the company create something because company know that a good advertisement will bring many effect to them.

Maxis Advertisement that I like,it is creative.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Is That Design important??

This is the first question that I would like to ask,is that design important.
For me,answer is yes,because design of a thing will affect people to buy the thing.
Nowadays,people like to compare design between 2 object,they will more focus in design and not focus much in the object function.Sometime,they also buy a thing because they like the package design.
There is 2 samsung smart phone with 2 different design.Although samsung S3 is latest smart phone and function good than samsung S2,but there still have many like to buy samsung S2 because the design of the phone itself.
Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S2

Friday, June 1, 2012

Creative Thinking for Design?

Creative = Design = Of course

Design is an important part in every aspect of human life.Everything that we use have their own design,a creative design will affect people to buy that particular thing.An item than have a creative design can attract people and sometime it also can inspire or motivate people,but if that item design is bad than everything will go opposite way. For me design is a person work that created from a person imagination without Plagiarism others people work.